In early 2015 Chris Parker undertook to lead the Tonbridge Town Team's project on Dementia Action. Training with the Alzheimer's Society as a Dementia Friends Champion she is able to lead dementia awareness sessions. Her work has produced, to date, 1500 dementia friends in Tonbridge. This vital work continues.
Community Support
Our team at Abbey do much more than write a cheque. When we sponsor a club or organisation, as much as we can, we take an active part.
Tonbridge Dementia Action
Tonbridge Angels Indoor Bowls Club
Angel Indoor Bowls Club has a thriving Junior section which we are proud to sponsor in addition to our sponsorship of the club itself. Some of the junior players have gone on to achieve at both county and national level. Jim Parker is the club's men's section summer Captain and also the President of the club itself.
Tonbridge Bowling Club
Tonbridge Bowling Club is an outdoor lawn bowling club, founded in 1906 and celebrated its centenary throughout 2006. It is one of the oldest clubs in Kent and originally played on the Angel site in Vale Road where the indoor club is now situated. We are proud to sponsor this club.
Friends Together Bereavement Support
This company founded the charity and continues to financially support it in addition to taking care of the administration. Chris and Jo are both trustees and active volunteers. Please see our bereavement support page for more details.
Fab Youth Club
Chris Parker is a youth leader at Tonbridge Methodist Church and sees first hand the value of the FAB youth club and it's benefits to many families and young people in our community.
Jo has been working with Lavan from Pace4Life over the last year to put in place a scheme that recycles pacemakers to the third world. Through her connections with SAIF Jo has now managed to get more that 100 Funeral Directors to sign up to the scheme and many more are joining daily.
Tonbridge Angel Football club & Upz and Downz
TAFC and Ups & Downs have partnered to ensure a safe and happy space, supporting people living with any learning or academic difficulties, not wanting to attend a mainstream college. This provides service users with a sense independence whilst giving them structure in a practical learning environment whilst they work towards an academic qualification.
Tonbridge Rotary Club